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Archive for June, 2011

Film Adaptation Assignment. Day 3. HSP3M1, ENG3U1. Ignjatic.

The book Night is about one describing the life of a young Hebrew man, Eliezar, as he progresses under the wrath of Hitler and his concentration camps. Eliezar begins his story in Sighet, where the Jewish people were confident they would not be taken by Hitler and his Fascists. They soon became aware that they will have to leave their homes, belongings, and everything behind. They mission and move from camp to camp leaving even family behind. It is a sobering story of a brave young boy who explains the atrocities he had to experience at such a young age.

General scenes to be enacted in the film

  • the peace and serenity the Jewish people felt prior to being deported to concentration camps
  • the initial reaction and first trip to the concentration camp (most notably the crematoriums and people being burned to ashes)
  • the move from camp to camp as Eliezar and his father honourably stay together
  • the beatings Elie had to experience from the SS officers
  • the move from Buna as the Russians come close to freeing the Jews from their containment (the 20 kilometers they had to run in the freezing cold, the 100 people assigned per car: helpless, starving, and dying through the entire trip).
  • the death of Eliezar’s father and how close he stayed to him through his final days and hours

For the following paragraphs I will specifically be focusing on the beginning of the book where Elie, his family, and the fellow Jews around them are peaceful and feel at ease that the Fascist Nazi party will cause them no true harm.

Appreciation Paragraph

At the beginning of the story the mood was calm, peaceful, and innocent. The people did not expect such a vicious attack from the Nazi Party. Even after suspicious rumours of fellow Jewish people being deported to the horrendous concentration camps, the Jews in Sighet managed to remain hopeful, calm, and many did not even recognize the warnings given to them. Notably, Moishe the Beadle, a poor man close to Elie, tried endlessly to warn the Jewish community of what lied ahead, to no avail. The Jews in Sighet were soon moved into a designated community known as the Jewish ghettos, yet they continued to not worry. Some even believed that this was a good thing as they were amongst their own kind. The mood quickly changed to horror as Eliezar’s father returned home from an important meeting and informed the crowd that the ghetto would be evacuated the following day and to pack only a backpack to take along with them. People soon realized that they could be lead to death, although they did not truly grasp the extent of the terror that awaited them. The author uses a solemn, sober tone as he explains his dreadful experience from having everything to having nothing in a mere matter of days. There are themes that become evident to the reader in the first scene of the book. Firstly, it is how innocence and living in a sheltered society is not always a good thing; however, it is essential to understand your surroundings. Secondly, staying close to your family can help you get through difficult situations. Lastly, it is portrayed how easily you can go from having it all to having nothing. Through this scene many of the characters in the book become known and develop as well. Most notably are the developments of Eliezar and his father. We learn that Elie is a brave, young boy, with a true desire to learn much about the Jewish religion. He is beyond his years intellectually. He is a devoted member of his family and truly loves his mother, father, and siblings to the core. Eliezar’s father is a renowned man in society who people frequently visit and ask for advice. He is looked up to by many and is portrayed as a devoted, honourable, older man. Most shocking to me was how little the Jewish people in Sighet knew about what was going on with respect to concentration camps. After they were all assigned to ghettos, they seemed to have no idea whatsoever of what lied ahead for them in the future, astounding me with how little they really knew.

Production Paragraph


  • Eliezar Wiesel (major, main character) – Shia LaBeouf … he is a young man of Jewish heritage. He has played in major roles in movies, most notably his role in the “Transformers” series. He would be able to handle and take on the difficult task of playing such a major role in the movie “Night”. I believe that he would effectively portray Elie.
  • Elie’s father (major) – Christoph Waltz … an older man who has a reputable acting career. He is not a big man similar to Elie’s father. Christoph seems like he could play the role of a solemn father who rarely displays feelings.
  • Moishe the Beadle (major, beginning of book) – Paul Giamatti … has played in various movies, mainly as a supporting character, and has a vast acting experience. This enables him to effectively play the role of Moishe, a shy, awkward, crazy to many, and knowledgeable man.
  • Elie’s mother (minor) – Natalie Portman … she is a Jewish lady, can speak Hebrew, and is highly educated. She would be able to effectively depict the role that Elie’s mother has throughout the novel. She is a talented actress, with much experience, and would be able to take on this role well.


Steven Speilburg. He would be an excellent contestant to direct this movie based on his previous credentials. He has directed movies such as “Saving Private Ryan” and “Schindler’s List” which are both renowned WWII movies. He has made films about the Holocaust in the past, thus he has experience in that field. He is also Jewish so he would be able to add emotion and direct the movie “Night” from the heart, as relatives close to him had to experience the atrocities he will be bringing back to life on the big screen.

The movie should be advertised to an older audience who is able to handle the cruelty and horror present throughout the book “Night”. For this reason with commercials playing on TV we will need to keep it simple and to the point, without revealing too much of the horrors incase a younger child were to see. I feel as though this movie should be rated 14A, as many younger individuals would not be able to handle it’s heavy content. For the ad, or cover of the movie, I propose that a picture of a concentration camp entrance be shown. It is not overly graphic, yet clearly displays the horrors that await those entering.
  • If Today Was Your Last Day – Nickelback … This song could be played when people in the camps work endlessly to try and ensure that they live past another day. This song talks about forgiveness and living every day to its fullest, which is exactly what the people in the concentration camps tried to do in order to avoid death.
  • Angel of Death – Slayer … A song written about the Holocaust. Could be effectively put into any situation where Elie is thinking about everything that he experienced while in the camps. It explains all the horrors that people had to live through as they were in the concentration camps. Thus, any time when Eliezar thinks over all he has experienced would be a rather effective time to play the song.
  • Marching – Paula DeAnda … As the members of the concentration camps march away this song could be played and would fit in effectively. Lyrics go as follows: “So when you feel like the sky is falling And there’s nowhere to hide Tell me, are tired of that crawling? Then open your eyes So we go left right left Left right left (So you keep on marching) “. The song explains how people feel helpless yet continue to march on without exactly knowing why they are doing so.
  • If Everyone Cared – Nickelback … This song would work well to play once again when Elie Weisel is pondering about how the situation he is suffering in could be different. It explains how the world would be a much better place if everyone was able to show care. Elie believes that if everyone cared there would be none of the terror the Jewish people, and many others in the world, had and continue to still experience.
  • Beethoven – Sad, classical piece … During the scene where families bawl as they leave their loved ones, homes, and belongings behind. Beethoven has such emotion in his music which would work well for such an emotional scene in “Night”.
Actors’ Notes Paragraph
Elie Wiesel – Elie is a young boy struggling to cope with the terrible living conditions he is given in the concentration camps. He is beyond brave, braver then anyone could imagine. At times, he struggles with the difficult decision of staying by his weakening father, which could possibly get him killed, or leaving the older man and having a better chance to live himself. Throughout the entire novel, he explains the turmoil he went through in making this decision. He believes, after many years of pondering, that the choice to stay with his father was just. Elie struggles with making difficult decisions throughout his entire experience in the concentration camps. He cannot conclude what he should do in order to stay alive. Often he ponders: do I run or simply follow the orders of those above me and hope for the best? The difficult decisions he faced from such a young age put much stress and agony on the poor boy. When playing Elie is is important for the actor to remember what a helpful, earnest, kind, and religious man he is and to ensure those attributes are properly depicted throughout the course of the film.
Moishe the Beadle – Moishe is a dedicated believer in God and that He will prevail. He spent much of his time associating with Elie, reading biblical passages and trying to find further meaning within. Moishe unexpectedly left for awhile and upon his return he was not the same man as before. He tried to inform his fellow Jews of the terrors and atrocities other Jewish people were being put through. However, nobody believed his pleas and many simply regarded him as a crazy man. Moishe was horrified and tried his utmost to convince the people of what was going on around them and to prepare them for the future. Moishe endless attempts to convince the Jews did not succeed and people went on believing that no one would ever harm them. As later learned, Moishe’s stories of the happenings outside Sighet were true and many lives could have been saved if his pleas were taken seriously. The people viewed Moishe as the poorest of the poor and almost as a crazy man, it is crucial that the actor provides reasons for the audience to view Moishe the Beadle the way the Jews did before.

Stereotyping Teenagers – A Rant. Day 2. HSP 3M1, ENG 3U1. Ignjatic.

Adults, have you ever seen a teenager in a store or on the street and instantly, and I mean instantly, thought “trouble”? Initially thought that they were going to steal, damage, or simply cause a raucous? Teenagers, have you ever been given the cold shoulder when you walk into a store, simply because you’re a teenager? Has someone ever spoken down to you, thinking your “dumber” or less intelligent than them? The real question is why. Why do people succumb to believing the insane and utterly absurd stereotypes against adolescents? And finally, what can we as teenagers do to make people realize that we aren’t all crazy criminals? Now that, my friends, is the real question.

I can explain from personal experience when I walk into a store with a mid-size bag the bells immediately ring in the adults heads around me, as they think, “she’s here to steal something”! I hate to break it to you big guys, but that is definitely not the case. When I walk into the store, I walk in with a purpose similar to those around me, to buy something – with my own money. Not even from money inside the person’s wallet I just stole – no, my money.

Even worse could be when adults speak down to us teenagers. Sometimes they talk to us like we’re ten, using words like “aww, honey, and oh darling”. We’ve been in school for awhile now, we can understand words more then five letters long! It makes us think, are we dumb? Do they just think we’re younger and less experienced? At least the last one is  true! I hope it’s the latter option, because really, after spending thirteen years in school I sure hope i’m not considered dumb!

But why! What have we done? I’m speaking for the majority of us – obviously there’s a few that fit the above description perfectly, but that is true for every form of stereotype. Most of us teens are just normal, ordinary children, ones who are out to have a good time, and enjoy their childhood, just as you did in the past. What really confuses me, and I mean really confuses, is that each and every one of you adults were a teenager before! I assume that not all of you stole or damaged things, so why do you believe that all of us do? It’s puzzling, but I mean what can you do? It’s up to us teenagers to be good kids and prove you guys wrong! Which, if I may add, isn’t that hard at all.

Unfortunately, it’s not just us teenagers who suffer from being stereotyped! People all around us suffer from it. That person has a few tattoos – oh rebel! That person has a baggy sweater on – what are they hiding? That blond in the corner – oh she’s an airhead. And the list could go on for ages, baffling, but it could.  Its unfair, but that’s life as it stands right now.

Come on people! Stereotypes? Is that what the world has come to? That’s gotta change. Its up to us, and everyone around us, to change it. Lets just make stereotypes a part of our past and move forward without it in the future. I mean, who really needs it? Us teenagers definitely don’t and all the people around us being stereotyped as well don’t need it either.

It’s time to move on and realize how foolish it all really is.

My Very Own Personal Creation Story. Day 1. HSP3M1, ENG3U1. Ignjatic.

As humans, we become who we are based on the sociological, psychological, and cultural forces that encompass us. I am me because of my culture, family, aspirations, and the world around me. Everything about me has been shaped by my surroundings. The people around me have helped develop who I am, guided me towards successful pathways, and also driven me towards leading an enriched, fulfilled future.

Education and learning has always been something of great interest to me.  I have a desire to learn whether it be in a school environment or simply from people and the world around me. As a young child, I was fortunate enough that I was able to attend a quality private school, which instilled many values in me: some being honesty, responsibility, and a strong work ethic. Most importantly the school helped all it’s students realize that all dreams are achievable as long as hard-work and effort is put towards achieving that goal. That being said I aspire to attend an ivy league school in my future, and much of my past has been conducted in an effort to make that dream a possible reality. Due to this difficult, yet hopefully achievable aspiration, I have focused considerable time towards being the best student I can be.

At the age of 15, I am the oldest of 3 children in my family. My brother is 13, while my sister stands younger at the age of 8. Being the eldest child in the family puts much responsibility on my shoulders. I am expected to take care of my younger siblings, be a good example, and help and encourage them in all they do. Although being the oldest of the children is frustrating sometimes, it has helped me develop leadership and responsibility. As my sister is much younger than myself I act as a mentor to her and guide her. In the process of shaping who my siblings are I shape myself as well.

I was born in Ottawa and have lived here my entire life. That being said, the Canadian culture I live in has influenced the person I am. The various sports we play on home soil, such as hockey and soccer, are ones I have grown to love. Seeing people carry their hot Tim Hortons coffees into the cold rink and watching my younger brother’s hockey games with my dad has become a tradition. Spending time with friends, as many teenagers my age tend to do, seems natural. My life has been shaped by what the people around me do. Even though that may seem shallow, it is true for a majority of people on this planet. It is human nature to follow what the masses do, and almost everyone has done that in their lifetime.

Although I live in Canada, I can never forget my heritage and Serbian ethnicity. My family believes it is essential to stay true to our heritage and where we come from. All my ancestors have come from the former Yugoslavia. We have traditions that have been carried out for centuries and my family feels that it is important we continue to act them out, so that they can never be lost. Orthodox traditions and rituals are a large part of my family life.

Above all, my family, specifically my parents, have developed and made me the person who I am today. My mother is a strong believer that having a music background and strong academics are crucial in life. My father, on the other hand, believes that sports are an important part of a child’s development. With this always in mind I was able to shape my own hobbies and interests. Just as my mother believes school is important, I have a similar belief, which is why I put so much effort towards being the best student I can be. Following into my fathers footsteps, I have developed a true passion for sports, soccer specifically. With my hard-work, determination, and passion evident in the way I conduct myself on the field, I was quickly elected captain by my teammates. As my parents always tell me “shoot for the moon, and even if you miss you’ll land amongst the stars”. I apply these words of wisdom to my everyday life, realizing that having high aspirations is never a bad thing, and even if they do not transpire, something equally good will take their place. Those simple words help me everyday as I strive to be the best I can be. Although sometimes my parents seem to demand a lot, there is always a positive outcome to their diligent efforts. I can not imagine being the same person without having my two parents by my side to guide me and help me reach my full potential.

Every human is born with certain strengths, weaknesses, and desires, and develops others.  It is the people around us, the culture we are born into, and the family that surrounds us who form who we are and help develop our values. We are the creators of our own story only to a small extent, who we are is mainly affected by who we have around us.

As it stands right now I am very content with the life I am living and the person I am today.  My life story so far has been fulfilled with memories and fun moments. My goal is to get the most out of life, as commonly stated “to live life to it’s fullest”. In addition, I feel as though having no regrets is important. Taking everything in stride, living happily, and doing everything you possibly can is important to being a fulfilled individual. I aim to take every obstacle that comes at me with open arms and overcome them, while learning lessons along the way. It does not matter how many times we fall, but how many times we get up and try again.

To conclude, it is important to remember one thing. The famous words of the author Paulo Coehlo echo in my head as I write my creation story “when you say ‘yes’ to others, make sure you are not saying ‘no’ to yourself”. The values we have developed  over time must be kept close to us when we make each and every decision in life.